ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2024-25, Revised Syllabus For Paper 1 and 2

The ISC Class 12 Psychology syllabus is designed to enhance students’ understanding of human behavior, mental processes, and psychological theories. It includes both theory and practical components, with topics like intelligence, personality, development, stress, and disorders. Students are required to complete two practical studies that allow them to apply theoretical concepts and analyze data. The syllabus aims to equip students with knowledge about human psychology and prepare them for higher education or careers in the field.

ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2024-25

The ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 covers a wide range of topics, including intelligence, personality, lifespan development, stress, psychological disorders, and social behavior. It also includes practical work where students apply theories and conduct studies. The syllabus encourages a deeper understanding of mental processes and behavior through theory and practical exposure.

Revised ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2024-25

This syllabus is divided into two sections:

  1. Paper I: Theory – 70 Marks
  2. Paper II: Practical Work – 30 Marks

Paper I (Theory) – 70 Marks

1. Intelligence and Ability

  • Intelligence: Definition, theories, and types of intelligence (Spearman, Thurstone, Cattell, Sternberg, Gardner).
  • Measurement: IQ concept, individual and group tests (Wechsler-III, Raven’s Matrices).
  • Emotional Intelligence: Characteristics of emotionally intelligent people.
  • Aptitude, Achievement, and Interest: Definitions and reasons for assessment, tools like GATB and Achievement Tests.

2. Personality

  • Definition: Personality definitions by Allport, related terms like temperament, trait, and self-concept.
  • Theories: Psychoanalytic (Freud), Humanistic (Rogers, Maslow), Trait (Allport, Cattell), Type theories (Sheldon, Hippocrates), and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory.
  • Assessment: Self-reports (MMPI), projective techniques (Rorschach, TAT), and behavioral analysis.

3. Lifespan Development

  • Development, Growth, and Maturation: Importance of studying lifespan development, heredity, and environment.
  • Infancy: Motor milestones, reflexes, and Piaget’s Sensory Motor Stage.
  • Childhood: Gross and fine motor skills, Piaget’s Preoperational and Concrete stages.
  • Adolescence: Puberty, Piaget’s Formal Operational Stage, identity formation, and concerns like delinquency and substance abuse.

4. Stress and Stress Management

  • Definition and Types: Psychological, physical, and environmental stressors.
  • Effects on Health: Impact on immune system, heart problems, ulcers, and burnout.
  • Management: Effective strategies like relaxation, biofeedback, yoga, and promoting positive health.

5. Psychological Disorders and Psychotherapy

  • Abnormal Behavior: Classification (DSM-IV) and perspectives.
  • Disorders: Anxiety, mood, personality disorders, and schizophrenia.
  • Therapies: Psychoanalysis, client-centered, behavioral, and cognitive-behavioral therapies.

6. Social Thought and Social Behavior

  • Attribution: Understanding others’ behavior, biases (self-serving bias, false consensus).
  • Social Influence: Group dynamics, conformity, and obedience (Asch’s study, Milgram’s experiment).

7. Attitudes

  • Definition: Components and formation of attitudes.
  • Prejudice: Causes of prejudice and ways to combat it.

8. Psychology in Relation to Environment and Social Concerns

  • Counseling: Characteristics of a good counselor and communication skills.
  • Environmental Effects: Impact on perception, behavior, and stress.
  • Promoting Pro-environmental Behavior: Reducing pollution and waste, and promoting sustainable practices.

Paper II (Practical Work) – 30 Marks

Students must complete two practical studies. Each study involves:

  1. Aim
  2. Basic Concept: Definition and related theory.
  3. Method: Sample, data collection, and statistical analysis.
  4. Results & Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  6. Viva

Study Options

  1. Statistics: Analyze exam results using group comparison and Z-scores.
  2. Attitudes: Compare attitudes on topics like fashion or lifestyle between different generations or genders.
  3. Stress: Study causes and effects of stress among school students.

Tables for Key Concepts

Component Details
Intelligence Tests Wechsler-III, Raven’s Matrices
Personality Theories Freud, Rogers, Maslow, Allport, Cattell, Bandura
Stress Types Psychological, Physical, Environmental
Disorders Anxiety, Mood, Personality, Schizophrenia

This syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of human psychology, emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and practical application.

ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download

You can download the complete ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus for 2024-25 in PDF format from the official ISC website or via the link given below. The syllabus provides detailed information on theory and practical work, helping students prepare for both Paper I (Theory) and Paper II (Practical). It also includes important details about tests, psychological concepts, and various theories that will be covered during the academic year.

ISC Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2024-25-Click Here To Download PDF

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