CBSE Class 10 Element of Book Keeping Syllabus 2024-25, PDF Download

CBSE Class 10 Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy Syllabus 2024-25 is released by CBSE Board. Now Students begun completing their class work, home work as well and started preparing for the final exams. If you’re looking for the CBSE Class 10 Element of Book Keeping Syllabus 2024-25, don’t worry – we’ve got it for you. Check out the latest syllabus for Elements of Bookkeeping and Accountancy here.

CBSE Class 10 Element of Book Keeping Syllabus 2024-25

The CBSE Class 10 Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of financial accounting. It covers essential topics such as accounting terminology, principles, and practices, along with the preparation and maintenance of financial records. The syllabus aims to develop a strong foundation in book-keeping, enabling students to understand and apply basic financial concepts in real-life scenarios. This course is crucial for those planning to pursue commerce in higher education, offering a practical approach to managing personal and business finances.

Elements of Bookkeeping and Accountancy Course Structure

The Course Structure of Class 10 Element of Bookkeeping and Accountancy Course is given below.

Capital and Revenue
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Bills of Exchange
Final Accounts
Accounting from Incomplete Records

Unit 1: Capital and Revenue

Learning Outcomes
Capital and revenue: Capital and revenue receipts, capital and revenue expenditure and deferred revenue expenditure
The learners would be able to :
● Recapitulate the meaning of the terms ‘Capital’ and ‘Revenue’
● Appreciate the difference between capital and revenue receipts and capital and revenue expenditure
● Acquire knowledge about deferred revenue Expenditure

Unit 2: Depreciation

Learning Outcomes
Depreciation: Need and methods of charging depreciation-straight line and Diminishing balance method (no change in the method)
The learners would be able to :
● Explain the necessity of providing depreciation on fixed assets
● Develop the skill of using the different methods
i.e. straight line and diminishing balance for computing depreciation
● Prepare fixed assets accounting using straight line and diminishing balance method of charging

Unit 3: Bank Reconciliation Statement

Learning Outcomes
Bank Reconciliation Statement: Meaning Preparation of BRS with the given cash book/pass book balance
The learners would be able to :
● Understand the concept of bank reconciliation statement
● Appreciate the need to prepare a bank reconciliation statement
● Develop an understanding of preparing bank reconciliation Statement

Unit-4: Bills Of Exchange

Learning Outcomes
Bill of Exchange: Nature and use of Bills of Exchange, Terms used in Bills of Exchange. Simple transactions related to bills of exchange (No dishonour, retiring & renewal of the bill)
The learners would be able to :
● Acquire the knowledge of using bills of exchange for financing business transactions
● Understand the need for Bills of exchange in business
● State the meaning of different terms used in bills of exchange and their implication in accounting
● Develop the skill of journalising simple bill transactions in the book of creditor and debtor

Unit 5: Final Accounts

Learning Outcomes
Final Accounts: Preparation of Trading and Profit & loss Account and Balance Sheet of Sole trader.
Adjustment for closing stock only. [amount of closing stock to be given]
The learners would be able to :
● State the meaning of financial statements & the purpose they serve for a sole proprietor.
● Develop the skill of preparing Trading Accounts and calculating gross profit.
● Develop the skill of preparing a Profit & Loss Account and calculating the net profit
● Explain the need for preparing a ‘Balance Sheet’.
● Understand the techniques of preparing the ‘Balance Sheet’.
● Develop an understanding of the simple adjustment for closing stock

Unit 6: Accounting from Incomplete Records

Learning Outcomes
Accounting from Incomplete Records: Meaning; preparation of statement of Profit, statement of affairs. [statement of affairs method only]
The learners would be able to :
● State the meaning of incomplete records
● Understand the uses and limitations of incomplete records
● Develop the skill of computation of profit/loss by preparing a Statement of Profit
● Develop the skill of preparing a statement of
Affairs and ascertain the position of the business on a particular date.

Latest Elements of BookKeeping and Accountancy (CODE NO. 254) CLASSX (202425)

Objective: The main objective of this paper is to enable the students to understand the fundamental principles and develop skills of preparing and maintaining simple books of accounts from given details.
One Paper 3 Hours 70 Marks 210 Periods

Unit 1: Capital and Revenue 25 Periods 08 Marks

Learning Outcomes
Capital and revenue : Capital and revenue receipts,
capital and revenue expenditure and deferred revenue expenditure
The learners would be able to :
● Recapitulate the meaning of the terms ‘Capital’ and ‘Revenue’

● Appreciate the difference between capital and revenue receipts and capital and revenue expenditure

● Acquire the knowledge about deferred revenue Expenditure

Unit 2: Depreciation 35 Periods 12 Marks
Learning Outcomes Depreciation : Need and methods of charging depreciationstraight line and Diminishing balance method (no change in the method) The learners would be able to :
● Explain the necessity of providing depreciation on fixed assets

● Develop the skill of using the different methods i.e. straight line and diminishing balance for computing depreciation

● Prepare fixed assets accounting using straight line and diminishing balance method of charging depreciation

Unit 3: Bank Reconciliation Statement 45 Periods 14 Marks

Learning Outcomes Bank Reconciliation Statement : Meaning Preparation of BRS with the given cash book / pass
book balance
The learners would be able to :
Understand the concept of bank reconciliation statement

● Appreciate the need of preparing bank reconciliation statement

● Develop understanding of preparing bank reconciliation Statement
Unit 4: Bills of Exchange 25 Periods 10 Marks

Content Learning Outcomes
Bill of Exchange : Nature and use of Bills of Exchange, Terms used in Bills of Exchange. Simple transactions related to bills of exchange (No
dishonour, retiring & renewal of the bill)
The learners would be able to :
● Acquire the knowledge of using bills of exchange for financing business transactions

● Understand the need of Bills of exchange in
● State the meaning of different terms used in bills of exchange and their implication in accounting

● Develop in the skill of journalising simple bill transactions in the book of creditor and debtor

Unit 5: Final Accounts 45 Periods 14 Marks

Learning Outcomes
Final Accounts : Preparation of Trading and Profit & loss Account and Balance Sheet of Sole trader.
Adjustment for closing stock only. [amount of closing stock to be given]

The learners would be able to :

● State the meaning of financial statements & the purpose they serve for a sole proprietor.

● Develop the skill of preparing Trading Account and calculating gross profit.

● Develop the skill of preparing Profit & Loss Account and calculating the net profit

● Explain the need for preparing ‘Balance Sheet’.

● Understand the techniques of preparing the ‘Balance Sheet’.

● Develop the understanding to the simple adjustment for closing stock

Unit 6: Accounting from Incomplete Records 35 Periods 12 Marks
Learning Outcomes
Accounting from Incomplete Records : Meaning; preparation of statement of Profit, statement of affairs. [statement of affairs method only]

The learners would be able to :

● State the meaning of incomplete records

● Understand the uses and limitations of incomplete records

● Develop the skill of computation of profit / loss by preparing Statement of Profit

● Develop the skill of preparing ‘Statement of Affairs’ and ascertain the position of the business on a particular date.

Project Work

Project I 15 Periods 15 Marks
Identify 20 items and classify them as capital and revenue receipts, capital and revenue expenditure and deferred revenue expenditure

(OR any other topic related to the course content)

Project II 15 Periods 15 Marks

Make a statement of affairs for incomplete records of a small shop.
(OR any other topic related to the course content)

The CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) Class 10 Book Keeping and Accountancy syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 focuses on equipping students with fundamental knowledge of financial accounting principles and book-keeping practices. This subject lays the groundwork for further studies in commerce and business, particularly in fields related to finance, accounting, and business administration.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the syllabus, covering all the key topics included for the academic year 2024-25:

CBSE Class 10 Element of Book Keeping Detailed Topics

Accounting as a Source of Information

  • Concept of Accounting: Introduction to accounting, its objectives, importance, and role in financial decision-making.
  • Users of Accounting Information: Identification of different stakeholders who use accounting information, such as investors, management, creditors, employees, and regulatory agencies.
  • Branches of Accounting: Financial accounting, management accounting, cost accounting, etc.

Basic Accounting Terms

  • Key Terminologies: Understanding terms like capital, liabilities, assets, revenue, expenses, profits, losses, drawings, etc.
  • Transactions: Concept of business transactions, capital expenditure, revenue expenditure.

Accounting Principles

  • GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles): Understanding the fundamental accounting principles such as:
    • Business Entity Concept
    • Going Concern Concept
    • Money Measurement Concept
    • Accrual Concept
    • Dual Aspect Concept (Accounting Equation)
    • Matching Concept
    • Prudence/Conservatism
  • Accounting Standards: An overview of the standard rules and guidelines followed in preparing accounts.


  • Journal Entry: Introduction to double-entry bookkeeping, rules of debit and credit, and recording financial transactions.
  • Format of Journal: Understanding the journal format and its columns such as Date, Particulars, L.F. (Ledger Folio), Debit, and Credit.
  • Types of Journals: Special journals for different types of transactions like cash journal, purchase journal, sales journal, etc.


  • Concept and Significance of Ledger: The ledger is considered the principal book of accounts, with all journal entries posted into it.
  • Posting from Journal to Ledger: Understanding the process of transferring journal entries to appropriate ledger accounts.
  • Format of Ledger: Debit side, credit side, and balancing of ledger accounts.

Cash Book

  • Types of Cash Books:
    • Single column cash book (for cash transactions only).
    • Double column cash book (for cash and bank transactions).
    • Triple column cash book (for cash, bank, and discount transactions).
  • Petty Cash Book: The concept of maintaining a petty cash book for minor expenses and its format.
  • Imprest System: The system of maintaining petty cash by having a fixed amount replenished periodically.

Trial Balance

  • Objective of Trial Balance: A trial balance is prepared to check the arithmetical accuracy of the ledger postings.
  • Preparation of Trial Balance: Understanding the format of the trial balance and how it is derived from the ledger accounts.
  • Errors Revealed and Not Revealed by Trial Balance: Types of errors detected by the trial balance such as errors of omission, commission, etc.


  • Concept of Depreciation: The systematic allocation of the cost of a tangible fixed asset over its useful life.
  • Methods of Depreciation:
    • Straight Line Method
    • Written Down Value Method
  • Factors Influencing Depreciation: The cost of the asset, estimated useful life, and residual value.

Final Accounts

  • Components of Final Accounts:
    • Trading Account
    • Profit and Loss Account
    • Balance Sheet
  • Preparation of Final Accounts: Process of preparing final accounts from a trial balance, including adjustments for closing stock, outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, etc.

Bank Reconciliation Statement

  • Meaning and Importance: A statement prepared to reconcile the balance of cash book and passbook (bank statement) and to locate differences between them.
  • Causes of Differences: Understanding reasons for differences between bank and cash book balances, such as cheques issued but not yet presented, deposits not credited, and errors.

Accounting of Non-Trading Organizations

  • Introduction to Non-Profit Organizations: Understanding the concept of non-profit entities such as clubs, societies, educational institutions, and their accounting practices.
  • Receipts and Payments Account: A summary of cash receipts and payments during a particular period.
  • Income and Expenditure Account: This account is equivalent to a profit and loss account, prepared by non-profit organizations to ascertain surplus or deficit.
  • Balance Sheet of Non-Trading Organizations: Understanding how the balance sheet is prepared for non-trading concerns.


For the 2024-25 academic year, the syllabus is generally split between theory and practical components. The assessment can include:

  • Theory Exams: Based on the topics detailed above, generally focusing on the concepts, principles, and practical understanding of bookkeeping.
  • Internal Assessment: Schools might conduct internal assessments including projects, practical exercises, and viva voce, where students will have to apply their learning.

Class 10 Element Of Book Keeping and Accounting 2024-25 PDF

You can download the PDF for the CBSE Class 10 Elements of Book Keeping and Accounting syllabus for the 2024-25 session from the official CBSE website. The syllabus covers key topics like Capital and Revenue, Depreciation, Bank Reconciliation Statements, Bills of Exchange, Final Accounts, and Accounting from Incomplete Records. Additionally, project work is included to enhance practical understanding.

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Class 10 Element Of Book Keeping and Accounting 2024-25 FAQs

1. What are the key topics covered in the CBSE Class 10 Elements of Book Keeping and Accounting syllabus?

  • The major topics in the syllabus include:
    • Introduction to accounting and its importance
    • Accounting equation and journal entries
    • Ledger posting and trial balance
    • Cash book and bank reconciliation statement
    • Depreciation, provisions, and reserves
    • Final accounts: preparation of profit and loss account and balance sheet

2. Is the subject of Book Keeping and Accounting theory-based or practical?

  • The subject combines both theory and practical components. Students need to understand fundamental concepts and also practice preparing financial statements, journal entries, ledger accounts, and trial balances. Theoretical concepts are tested alongside practical application.

3. What is the exam pattern for CBSE Class 10 Book Keeping and Accounting?

  • The exam typically consists of two parts:
    • Theory Paper: 80 marks
    • Internal Assessment/Practical Work: 20 marks The theory paper includes both short and long-answer type questions, case-based questions, and numericals related to financial statements and journal entries.

4. Are there any important tips to score well in the Book Keeping and Accounting exam?

  • Practice regularly: Keep practicing journal entries, ledger balancing, and preparing financial statements.
  • Understand concepts: Focus on understanding the fundamental concepts instead of just memorizing.
  • Work on presentation: Be clear and concise in solving numericals, and ensure neatness in final accounts.
  • Review sample papers: Solve sample papers and previous years’ question papers to get a clear idea of the exam pattern and important topics.

5. Where can students find resources for Class 10 Book Keeping and Accounting preparation?

  • Students can refer to:
    • NCERT textbooks prescribed by CBSE.
    • CBSE sample papers and previous years’ question papers.
    • Online resources such as CBSE e-learning portals, YouTube tutorials, and revision notes.

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