CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25, PDF Download

The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science syllabus 2024-25 has been officially released in PDF format. This syllabus provides detailed guidelines, including the topics covered, exam pattern, and practical requirements, helping students plan their studies effectively.

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25

Students can download the syllabus PDF from the CBSE website. The document outlines important subjects like Python programming, computer networks, and database management, ensuring that students are well-prepared for both theory and practical exams.


Students should have completed Computer Science in Class XI to enroll in Class XII Computer Science.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Apply the concept of functions.
  • Understand and use file handling techniques.
  • Use basic data structures like Stacks.
  • Explain the basics of computer networks.
  • Utilize database concepts, SQL, and establish connectivity between Python and SQL.

Class 12 CS Syllabus 2024-25: Distribution of Marks

Unit No. Unit Name Marks Theory Periods Practical Periods
1 Computational Thinking and Programming – 2 40 70 50
2 Computer Networks 10 15
3 Database Management 20 25 20
Total 70 110 70

Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus Unit-wise

Unit 1: Computational Thinking and Programming – 2

  • Revision of Python: Concepts from Class XI.
  • Functions:
    • Types of functions (built-in, user-defined, module functions).
    • Creating and using user-defined functions.
    • Parameters: default, positional, and returning values.
    • Scope of variables (global, local).
  • Exception Handling:
    • Introduction to handling exceptions using try-except-finally blocks.
  • File Handling:
    • Types of Files: Text, Binary, CSV.
    • Text Files: Opening modes (r, r+, w, w+, a, a+), reading and writing operations, seek and tell methods.
    • Binary Files: Opening modes (rb, rb+, wb, wb+, ab, ab+), operations using pickle module (dump() and load()).
    • CSV Files: Using the csv module for reading and writing CSV files.
  • Data Structure:
    • Stack: Operations like push and pop, implementing stacks using lists.

Unit 2: Computer Networks

  • Evolution of Networking: Introduction to ARPANET, NSFNET, and the Internet.
  • Data Communication:
    • Components (sender, receiver, message, communication media, protocols).
    • Terms like bandwidth, data transfer rate, and IP address.
    • Switching techniques: Circuit and Packet switching.
  • Transmission Media:
    • Wired Media: Twisted pair, Co-axial, Fiber-optic cables.
    • Wireless Media: Radio, Microwave, and Infrared waves.
  • Network Devices: Modem, Ethernet card, RJ45, Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router, Gateway, Wi-Fi card.
  • Network Topologies and Types:
    • Types: PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN.
    • Topologies: Bus, Star, Tree.
  • Web Services: WWW, HTML, XML, domain names, URL, website, web browser, web servers, and web hosting.

Unit 3: Database Management

  • Database Concepts: Introduction and the need for databases.
  • Relational Data Model: Relation, attribute, tuple, domain, keys (primary, candidate, foreign).
  • SQL Basics:
    • Data Definition and Manipulation Language.
    • Data types (char, varchar, int, float, date), constraints (not null, unique, primary key).
    • Operators: mathematical, relational, logical.
    • Aggregate functions (MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT), GROUP BY, HAVING.
    • Joins: Cartesian product, equi-join, natural join.
  • Python-SQL Connectivity:
    • Connect SQL database with Python.
    • Perform insert, update, delete operations.
    • Fetch data using Python’s connect(), cursor(), execute(), fetchone(), fetchall(), rowcount.

Practical Examination (Total Marks: 30)

Components Marks
Lab Test
1. Python program (60% logic, 20% documentation, 20% code quality) 8
2. SQL queries (4 queries on one or two tables) 4
Report File
– Minimum 15 Python programs. 7
– Minimum 5 SQL queries on one/two tables.
– Minimum 4 programs on Python-SQL connectivity.
Project (using concepts from Classes 11 and 12) 8
Viva voce 3

Suggested Practical List

Python Programming:

  1. Read a text file line by line, displaying each word separated by #.
  2. Read a text file and count the number of vowels, consonants, uppercase and lowercase characters.
  3. Remove all lines containing the letter ‘a’ and write to a new file.
  4. Create a binary file with name and roll number, search for a roll number.
  5. Create a binary file with roll number, name, and marks, and update marks for a given roll number.
  6. Generate random numbers between 1 and 6 (dice simulation).
  7. Implement a stack using lists in Python.
  8. Create a CSV file with user ID and password, search for the password using the user ID.

Database Management:

  1. Create a student table and insert data. Use SQL commands to:
    • Alter table, update data, and delete tuples.
    • Group by min, max, sum, count, average.
  2. Integrate SQL with Python by importing a suitable module.

Suggested Reading Material

  • NCERT Textbook for Computer Science (Class XII).
  • Support materials on the CBSE website.

Project Work

Students must complete a project that applies Python file handling or Python-SQL connectivity. Projects should be done in groups of 2-3 students, focusing on real-world problems. For example, creating software for local businesses, schools, or other institutions. Creativity is encouraged, and additional learning is recommended if needed. Students must avoid plagiarism and respect copyright issues.

Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download

To download the complete syllabus for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science 2024-25 in PDF format, visit the official CBSE website. This document provides a detailed breakdown of all topics, exam patterns, and marking schemes for students. We have also give the direct link to download the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25.

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25-Click Here To Download PDF

Computer Science Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25: FAQs

1. What topics are covered in the Class 12 Computer Science syllabus?

  • The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science syllabus covers a range of topics, including:
    • Programming: Python concepts (functions, file handling, data structures like stacks and queues).
    • Data Management: SQL operations (creating and managing databases, data retrieval, joins).
    • Computer Networks: Basics of networking, transmission media, network devices, and cybersecurity.
    • Data Structures: Concepts of stacks, queues, and linked lists.
    • Boolean Algebra: Logic gates, Boolean expressions, and their simplification.
    • Societal Impact: Cyber ethics, data privacy, and intellectual property rights.

2. What are the changes in the syllabus for the 2024-25 academic year?

  • CBSE often revises syllabi annually, adjusting content to align with industry and academic trends. For the latest details, it’s essential to refer to the official CBSE website or consult the official syllabus for 2024-25 to verify changes.

3. What is the weightage of each section in the exam?

  • Programming and Data Structures: ~30%
  • Data Management (SQL): ~25%
  • Computer Networks: ~15%
  • Boolean Algebra: ~10%
  • Societal Impact and Cyber Ethics: ~10%
  • The remaining 10% may include practical assessments. Note that these percentages can vary slightly depending on CBSE guidelines.

4. What is the format of the Class 12 Computer Science exam?

  • The CBSE Computer Science exam generally consists of Theory (70 marks) and Practical (30 marks).
    • Theory includes multiple-choice questions, short answers, and long-answer questions covering all major topics.
    • Practical tests programming skills, database management, and Python coding.

5. What resources are recommended for preparing for the Class 12 Computer Science exam?

  • Recommended resources include:
    • NCERT Textbook: Official book by NCERT for theoretical concepts.
    • Practice Books: Many publishers offer practice guides with sample questions and previous year’s papers.
    • Online Coding Platforms: Sites like HackerRank and Codecademy for Python programming.
    • CBSE Sample Papers: The CBSE website provides sample papers for practice.

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